Home News Winchester not willing to adopt 2nd Amendment resolution

Winchester not willing to adopt 2nd Amendment resolution

Sanctuary Counties News

WINCHESTER — Winchester has declined to join dozens of other Virginia localities regarding passage of a resolution supporting the right of citizens to own and use guns.

During a work session Tuesday night at John Kerr Elementary School, councilors voted 5-4 against creating a resolution stating Winchester’s support of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. The city is one of just nine localities in Virginia to reject adoption of such a resolution.

The vote followed party lines. The majority Democrats on City Council — David Smith, Judy McKiernan, Evan Clark, Kim Herbstritt and John Hill — opposed the resolution, while the Republicans — Les Veach, Bill Wiley, John Willingham and Corey Sullivan — favored the measure.

Two additional attempts to massage the language in the proposed resolution met the same fate.

The votes were cast as part of a so-called Second Amendment sanctuary movement that has led thousands of Virginians to petition local governments to formally support gun ownership.

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