As counties across Kentucky become or consider becoming Second Amendment sanctuaries, a plan to do so in Nelson County has hit a snag.
That’s surprising to Matt Lacy.
“We are trying to get our elected officials as well as our law enforcement officers to basically express their support for the Second Amendment and to oppose any laws that would infringe upon those rights,” Lacy said.
Lacy is leading a group called Nelson County United, which is pushing for the measure. He hoped the county Fiscal Court would pass an almost two-page resolution that would declare the county a “Second Amendment constitutional county” that’s opposed to any Second Amendment infringements.
However, in a meeting last week, Lacy said the county didn’t pass the draft his group prefers and instead sent him back a much shorter version he considers to be watered down and ineffective.
Lacy said his group won’t endorse that draft unless it’s strengthened.
“Their resolution has no wording in regards to opposing any new laws that may infringe upon our rights, and that is what we’re after,” he said.
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