Home States Texas Lamar County, TX: ‘Second Amendment Supportive County’

Lamar County, TX: ‘Second Amendment Supportive County’

13th day of January 2020


Lamar County is considered a Second Amendment Supportive County as Lamar County commissioners passed Resolution No. R2019-033 during commissioners’ court Monday.

“The way I see it, this is sort of a reaffirmation of the elected officials’ commitment or dedication to the constitution and second amendment,” Brandon Bell, Lamar County Judge, said. “We support the second amendment. (Passing the resolution) kind of serves two purposes, though. Also, I think it sends a message up the ladder, to the state representatives – even federal elected officials – ‘we support the second amendment, and we don’t want you doing anything with our gun rights.’

Lawrence Malone, Pct. 1 Commissioner who requested the agenda item, said other counties in the state have already passed similar resolutions.

“Some representatives of the state of Texas have some ideas of more stricter gun control that haven’t been made laws yet,” Malone said. “I have some friends who believe ‘The Right to Bear Arms’ only pertains to back in the days when we didn’t have armed services.

“But that’s a different take on it than how it’s looked at now. We feel the government can be a little overreaching and sometimes government gets too big,” Malone continued.

During the meeting, Bell said there were no outspoken objections, but “I’m not saying there were no objections, there were a few who told me personally they were against it and that we shouldn’t pass it, but those people didn’t show up.

“However, they may have felt they would have been severely outnumbered,” Bell said, “and they would have if those who talked to me would have shown up.”

Bell said he agrees with the resolution and supports the commissioners’ decision.

“We all took an oath when we took office to uphold the constitution, which includes the second amendment across the U.S. and State – Texas constitution,” Bell said. “So, it goes without saying; this reaffirms to Lamar County citizens I support the second amendment and the whole constitution. Also, I think it sends a message to state representatives and those who think of passing any form of gun ban and up to the federal government.”

According to the resolution, the Texas Constitution states, “every citizen shall have the right to keep and bear arms in the lawful defense of himself or the state.”

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