Bracken County KY, passes sanctuary resolution


January 9, 2020
By: Christy Howell-Hoots

BROOKSVILLE — A resolution declaring Bracken County a Second Amendment sanctuary county was passed during by magistrates on Wednesday.

The resolution affirms the fiscal court of Bracken County expresses its intent to uphold the Second Amendment rights of the people of Bracken County and will oppose any infringement on the rights of law-abiding citizens to bear arms.

During the meeting, which was held in front of a standing-room-only crowd, magistrates expressed their support for the resolution.

Magistrate David Kelsch asked how many people in the room, by a show of hands, supported the resolution. His question was followed by a large amount of hands.

Scotty Lippert said he appreciated the support of the community.

“You being here means a lot to us and I think it sends a message to Frankfort,” Lippert said.

Cummins said the resolution is a perfect example of why the Constitution was created.

“I think it just goes to show that the Constitution wasn’t written to restrain citizen’s behavior. It was written to restrain government behavior and this is a perfect example,” he said.

The resolution passed unanimously.

Lewis County passed a similar resolution on Dec. 30.

Mason and Fleming counties will discuss the resolution on Jan. 14.

Mason County Judge-Executive Joe Pfeffer said he is a staunch proponent of the Second Amendment, but feels it is necessary to research the issue further before passing an ordinance or resolution that could be deemed illegal.

“We, as a legislative body, can enact measures that are more restrictive than state and federal laws, but not less restrictive,” he said. “It will be on our next agenda. We just want to make sure this is something we are empowered to do. There is no member of this court who wants to infringe on anyone’s Second Amendment rights.”

Many other Kentucky counties have either passed, or started discussion on passing, Second Amendment sanctuary resolutions in response to pre-filed bills in the General Assembly regarding guns.

Bill Request 187, pre-filed in July, repeals authorization to carry concealed deadly weapons without a license. The bill was sponsored by Democratic Rep. Charles Booker.

Bill Request 342, pre-filed in September, will create new sections of KRS Chapter 237 to specify definitions for “assault weapons,” “large capacity ammunition-feeding devices” and “ammunition sellers.”

Bill Request 342 will require background checks for private firearms sales, require reporting to law enforcement of firearm and ammunition thefts and losses, require the safe storage of firearms, require an estate’s inventory to list each firearm, and amend a KRS section to require judges when issuing an order of protection to consider whether a person against whom the order is entered should be prohibited from possessing a firearm.

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