Grant County to become Second Amendment Sanctuary


By Bryan Marshall
Wednesday, January 8, 2020 at 9:19 am

Grant County was expected Jan. 7 to become another of a growing list of Second Amendment Sanctuary counties in Kentucky. The Grant County Fiscal Court was set to vote on a resolution declaring the county’s “opposition to any law that would unconstitutionally restrict the rights of the citizens to keep and bear arms.”

More than 30 counties across the state have either passed or are planning to vote on similar resolutions, including Boone, Kenton, Campbell, Pendleton and Gallatin counties. The movement partially stems from Virginia gaining national attention in 2019 when 86 of the state’s 95 counties passed gun sanctuary measures in anticipation of gun control laws the new Democratic statehouse majority promised to pass.

“As sheriff, there were the same issues when they were coming out with red-flag laws sort of hindering law-abiding citizens from certain gun rights that are upheld under the Constitution under the Second Amendment,” Grant County Judge-Executive Chuck Dills said.

“Then recently, with what was going on in Virginia, it’s been a major concern. There is some legislation that is being proposed in Kentucky trying to restrict our Constitution again.
It’s raised concerns to a lot of our citizens in Grant County, asking us, as a court, where do we stand in supporting or opposing this legislation. It’s a stance of all the magistrates and myself that we were sworn into oath to protect our Constitution and we will continue to protect our Constitution. We feel that a resolution is a way to identify to the state and federal government that Grant County will uphold our Constitution and our Second Amendment.”

From his discussions with other counties, Dills said there is going to be quite a few who will be preparing their own resolutions across the state.

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