Home Video Crystal Vanuch – Governments mistrust citizens with guns because they have evil...

Crystal Vanuch – Governments mistrust citizens with guns because they have evil plans – #PatriotVoices


According to Potomac Local, Crystal Vanuch is a lifelong conservative and resident of Stafford. She is a resident in the Rock Hill District and recently ran for and won her election for Rock Hill Supervisor. She gave an amazing speech at the Stafford County Board of Supervisors meeting on the topic of approving a resolution for Second Amendment Sanctuary County status.

She made it more than clear that if she were on the board at the time, she would have been a resounding “Yes” vote on the resolution. Additionally, she addressed the fact that while we are being told that the state is working on gun safety legislation, what they are actually doing is crafting legislation that will not only confiscate weapons that thousands of citizens have in their homes but also punish lifelong law-abiding citizens.

“When any government mistrusts its citizens with guns it’s sending a clear message; it no longer trusts citizens because it has evil plans.”

Crystal Vanuch

Additionally, she discusses the fact that the relationship between law enforcement and citizens will be tremendously frayed because instead of considering their police to be honest arbiters of the law, citizens would instead have to worry if police were showing up at their residences to violate their Second Amendment rights.

Rock Hill appears to have elected a stellar new Supervisor to join the board and they should be quite proud to have someone entering the office who they can count on to uphold their God-given rights. Crystal Vanuch leaves us with one final message, “When any government mistrusts its citizens with guns it’s sending a clear message; it no longer trusts citizens because it has evil plans.” We couldn’t agree with her more.

To learn more about Rock Hill’s new Supervisor, Crystal Vanuch, check out her new Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CrystalVanuchSupervisor/

To see her speech, either watch it on the Sanctuary Counties YouTube page or use the embedded player below.

Do you want to do something about these new gun laws?

Well, have you registered to vote yet? Complaining about the new proposed laws with random people on Twitter is not going to solve the problem. You MUST register yourself to vote along with anybody else you know. Get your cousin, uncle, mother, father, niece, nephew and your best friend to register and vote. Then, on election day, for the love of God, show up! If you or someone you know is not already registered, find out how to do so here: https://vote.gov/

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