Brown County TX, Commissioners Approve 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Resolution


Brownwood News –  Brown County Commissioners Monday, December 9, 2019 unanimously approved (4-0 vote) a Resolution making Brown County a Second Amendment “Sanctuary County”.

A portion of the Resolution reads:  WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Brown County Commissioners Court to declare its support of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and the Texas Constitution protecting citizens’ inalienable and individual rights to keep and bear arms.  The members of the Brown County Commissioners took an oath to support and defend the United States Constitution, the Constitution of the State of Texas and the law of the State of Texas. 

Brown County Judge, Dr. Paul Lilly, was unable to attend the meeting, but released the following statement in support of the Resolution.

“As you know I spent almost three decades wearing the law enforcement uniform. During that time, I lost three good friends in the line of duty, each murdered by a man with a firearm; 1988, Christmas Eve 2000, and again in 2013. One would think that this would make me pro-gun control and anti-second amendment. It does not. 

The second amendment is, to a degree, the amendment that guarantees all the others. Firearms in the hands of responsible adults help assure our way of life. For this reason I am a staunch supporter of the second amendment and welcome Brown County becoming a 2nd amendment sanctuary county. I couldn’t be more proud.”to read full article click here.