By: David Tripp
26 Nov 2019
Statement by Bland County
With the support of a host of citizens at their November 26th meeting, the Bland County Board of Supervisors adopt the Resolution declaring itself a Second Amendment Sanctuary.
The Bland County Courthouse was packed Thursday evening as citizens came out in force regarding the topic of a Second Amendment Sanctuary declaration that was on the agenda of the Board of Supervisors. The main courtroom was full beyond capacity with additional people filling the hallways and gathering outside the Courthouse. Over the past few weeks, the Supervisors have received multiple requests from citizens concerned over recent legislation that was introduced for the upcoming session of the Virginia General Assembly. At the meeting on Tuesday evening, the Board of Supervisors were presented with a petition with almost 500 names supporting the declaration and two opposed.
The action of the Board of Supervisors added Bland County to the list of Virginia localities that have adopted, or are planning to adopt, resolutions in support of protecting the second amendment rights of citizens. Once the meeting was called to order, Sheriff Jason Ramsey, who is in support of the resolution, stood alongside Eric Workman, County Administrator, as it was presented to the Board of Supervisors for adoption. With the support and cheers of citizens who attended the meeting, the members of the Board of Supervisors, Randy Johnson, Karen Hodock, Stephen Kelley, and Adam Kidd, all unanimously voted to adopt the resolution. The Board of Supervisors then recessed to join the over 500 estimated citizens and the members of the Bland County Sheriff’s office for a photo in front of the courthouse to display the unity of the Bland County community in the adoption of the resolution.