By: David Tripp
2 Apr 2019
Todd Weaver, Attorney, presented a resolution declaring Archuleta County to be a Second Amendment Preservation County and affirms its support of the County Sheriff and the decisions he makes. The resolution also commits the Board of County Commissioners to resist any actions that restrict the Second Amendment rights of the citizens of Archuleta County and demands the legislature to address the real and fundamental challenges of mental illness in our communities.
Commissioner Wadley moved to approve Resolution 2019-36 Declaring Archuleta County to be a Second Amendment Preservation County as presented. Commissioner Schaaf seconded the motion.
Chairman Maez asked for public comment.
• G. Giehl, presented a letter that is attached to the minutes.
• W. Bryant, spoke about the definition of mental illness and requested clarification.
The motion carried unanimously.
Verification Citation/Source: Archuleta County Commissioners Minutes
Resolution date passed: 2 Apr 2019
Vote Count: Unanimous