Illinois, Second Amendment referendums Nov 6. Results


06 Nov 2018 – 10:46 PM

PRO-Second Amendment Passed

Boone – Shall Boone County oppose any law restricting law-abiding gun owners from their Second Amendment rights as guaranteed by the US Constitution and to protect them from unconstitutional gun laws which have or may be passed by the Illinois General Assembly?”

YES 10114 57.95%
NO 7338 42.05%
Coles – COLES COUNTY RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS Should the Illinois General Assembly pass legislation protecting a citizens right to keep and bear arms as defined by the second amendment of the United States Constitution? Yes/No

YES 13604 81.06%
NO 3178 18.94%
Christian – Should the Illinois General Assembly pass any additional legislation limiting a citizen’s right to keep and bear arms as defined by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution?

YES 4084 32.23%
NO 8588 67.77%
Cumberland – Should the lllinois GeneralAssembly protect a citizen’s right to keep and bear arms as defined by the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution?

YES 3959 93.77%
NO 263 6.23%

Hardin – “Shall Hardin County become a sanctuary county for law abiding gun owners to protect them from unconstitiutional laws passed by the Illinois General Assembly?”

YES 1,460 90%
NO 157 10%
Iroquois – Should the Illinois General Assembly refrain from passing any additional legislation limiting a citizen’s right to bear arms as defined by the Second Amendment to the United State Constitution

YES 7568 75.09%
NO 2511 24.91%
Johnson – ‘”Shall Johnson County become a sanctuary county for law abiding gun laws passed by the General Assembly
YES 4358 85.97%
NO 711 14.03%

LaSalle – “Shall LaSalle County oppose the passage of any bill where the Illinois General Assemb ly desires to restrict the Individual right of US Citizens as protected by the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution “?

YES 25,160 67.01
NO 12,386 32.99
Logan – “Shall Logan County become a sanctuary county for all firearms unconstitutionally prohibited by the government of the State of llllnols,for everyone except undocumented immigrants, in that Logan County will prohibit its employees from enforcing the unconstitutional actions of the state government.”

YES 5,896 63.45
NO 3,397 36.55
Macoupin – Should the General Assembly pass any additional legislation that restricts a citizens ability to own and possess guns or firearms?

YES 30.00% 5,311
NO 70.00% 12,395
Madison – Shall Madison County become a sanvtuary County for law abiding Gun owners to protect them from unconstitutional gun laws passed by the Illinois General Assembly?

YES 67% 67351
NO 33% 33160
Massac – “Shall Massac County become a sanctuary county for law abiding gun owners to protect them from unconstitutional gun laws passed by the Illinois General Assembly?”

YES 4,408 85%
NO 783 15%
Moultrie – Should the Illinois General Assembly pass legislation protecting a citizen’s right to keep and bear arms as defined by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution?

YES 4520 89.36%
NO 538 10.64%
Montgomery – Should the Illinois General Assembly pass any additional legislation that restricts a citizen’s ability to own and possess guns or firearm?

YES 2,311 20.63
NO 8,890 79.37

Pulaski – “Shall Pulaski County become a sanctuary county for law-abiding gun owners to protect them from unconstitutional gun laws passed by the Illinois General Assembly?”

Yes 1,931 85%
No 332 15%

Randolph – Shall Randolph County become a sanctuary county for law abiding gun owners to protect them from unconstitutional gun laws passed by the illinois general Assembly?

YES 9,835 79%
NO 1,970 16%
Richland – Shall Richland County become a sanctuary county for law abiding gun owners to protect them from unconstitutional gun laws passed by the Illinois General Assembly?

YES 4,821 82%
NO 1,028 18%
White – Civil Rights of Firearm Owners – The People of White County, Illinois are OPPOSED to all attempts by the Illinois General Assembly, in violation of their Oath of Office, to infringe upon the Constitutional Right of the PEOPLE to Keep and Bear Arms.
YES 4963 86.45%
NO 778 13.55%

Anti-Second Amendment referendums:
While these referendums may seem like ‘commonsense’ questions, we know they will be used by these entities to pass legislation and ordinances to further restrict our rights.  The storage question comes up time and again with lawmakers who want to lock up any and all guns that are not carried on your person. The Chicago/Cook Co. referendum is a trick question all around. Of course everyone would be in favor of strengthening penalties for illegal firearm trafficking – but not for requiring all gun dealers to be certified by the state when they are already regulated under federal law.

Chicago/Cook Co. – Should the State of Illinois strengthen penalties for the illegal trafficking of firearms and require all gun dealers to be certified by the State?

Yes 90.43% 675,427
No 9.57% 71,51

Melrose Park –  ‘”Shall all firearms be required by law to be stored in a safe and secure manner that prevents access by unauthorized persons, when such firearms are not under the control of the owner?”

Yes 88.62% 3,949
No 11.38% 507

Oak Park Township – “Shall all firearms be required by law to be stored in a safe and secure manner that prevents access by unauthorized persons, when such firearms are not under the direct personal control of the owner?”

Yes 91.55% 22,452
No 8.45% 2,073