Home States Illinois City of Hillsboro IL, Adopts Resolution Opposing Pending Gun Legislation

City of Hillsboro IL, Adopts Resolution Opposing Pending Gun Legislation


Wed, 23 May 2018 10:02:39 CDT

On Tuesday evening, Hillsboro became the first city in Illinois to publicly adopt a resolution opposing the passage of legislation by the General Assembly that would restrict the Second Amendment Rights of U.S. citizens.

The bills the council referred to are House Bills 1465, 1467, 1468 and 1469, Senate Bill 1657, and any trailer bill or bill similar to the others.

According to Mayor Brian Sullivan, the bills being discussed could potentially turn Illinois gun owners into felons overnight.

“I know for a fact that two of the bills would make me a felon,” Sulllivan said if the legislation passes. Some of the legislation pertains to trigger modification, which would affect those who shoot competitively. Sullivan, who participates in shooting competitions, said “hundreds of thousands of Illinois citizens” would be made felons. Public Safety Commissioner Michael Murphy agreed with Sullivan, saying the legislation that is being considered “goes against the rights of U.S. Citizens.”

Seven counties — Effingham County being the most recent — have passed similar legislation opposing these bills in the General Assembly. Hillsboro, however, is the first city to publicly adopt such a resolution.

“I want the state to take notice that not everyone fall in line with Chicago,” Sullivan said. He even cited the state’s willingness to declare itself a sanctuary state regarding immigration without the consent of downstate citizens as an example of the difference in schools of thought.

The council voted, and the resolution passed unanimously. Mayor Sullivan, who was not required to vote since all four commissioners approved the motion, did vote on the matter because he wanted to go on record as voting in favor of the resolution.

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