By: David Tripp
13 Mar 2018
Mr. Rayman and Mr. McGinnis presented Resolution No. R2018-32 for adoption. It was moved by Mr. McGinnis and seconded to approve Resolution No. R2018-32. The motion carried by a roll call vote.
Roll call and votes in Iroquois County Recessed Session, March 13, 2018 Chairman Shure On motion to approve Resolution No. R2018-32
Aye: Anderson, Behrends, Bills, Coughenour, Crow, Curtis, Hasbargen, Johnson, Krumwiede, LaMie, McGinnis, McTaggart, Offill, Pursley, Rayman, Shure, Stichnoth, Whitlow
Absent: Alt, Bohlmann
Verification Citation/Source:
Resolution date passed: 13 Mar 2018
Vote Count: 18-0-1