By: David Tripp
5 Mar 2013 & 28 Feb 2019
County Sheriff, Shannon Byerly, asked County Attorney, Clint Smith, if he would draft a resolution designating Custer County as a sanctuary county for Second Amendment rights.
Clint read the resolution into the record. MOTION by Commissioner Canda, to adopt Resolution #19-02 “A Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners for Custer County declaring said County to be a Second Amendment Sanctuary County”.
Motion carried unanimously.
1. Verification Citation/Source: Custer County Board of Commissioners minutes
Resolution date passed: 28 Feb 2019
Vote Count: 3-0 Unanimous
At 27:06 resolution #19-02 was brought forth
At 27:24 the resolution was read, verification of Fremont passing same
At 38:00 Explanation of ‘why’
At 44:57 Motion was made and seconded
At 49:06 a call for a vote was made which passed unanimously
2. Verification Citation/Source: Custer County Board of Commissioners Audio
Source URL:
Resolution date passed: 28 Feb 2019
Video was available but the portion where they performed the discussion and vote was omitted.
On the 5th of March 2013 the Custer County Board of Commissioners passed the following resolution in defense of the Second Amendment.