By: David Tripp
1 Mar 2013
Commission Chairman Eddie D. Settle said on March 1, 2013 this Board passed a Resolution Expressing Support for Preservation of The Right To Bear Arms. January 20, 2016 there was a ban on Concealed Carry at County Buildings, this same Board repealed that. If anyone has their gun with them tonight they are perfectly legal in Wilke County. In some of the neighboring counties they can’t do that, they can in this one. Chairman Settle stated they wanted everyone to know they have acted twice to protect the second amendment. He added they have a sovereign God and his promise, a Constitution and a Republic for which that Flag stands and that is all they have. Chairman Settle stated this Board of Commissioners is united in protecting all they have.
Verification Citation/Source: Wilkes County Board of Commissioners
Resolution dates passed: 1 Mar 2013, 7 Jan 2020
Vote Count: Unanimous

We have been trying to obtain a copy of the 2013 resolution but unfortunately the public files do not go back further than 2014. We will continue to try to get ahold of this for public view as soon as we can.